

Why should you begin teaching in the USA?


Thinking of taking your teaching skills elsewhere? The American Bureau of Lab our Statistics (https://money.usnews.com/careers/best-jobs/high-school-teacher/salary) predicts that both special educational and K-12 teaching (Kindergarten through to 12th grade) will have increased by 8% by 2026, with an additional 76,800 jobs being added.


The demand is now there for qualified and experienced teachers to make the move and start to teach in the USA.



Kickstart your teaching career

Teaching abroad requires more than just being an ordinary teacher. It’s about being able to integrate and connect with your students, whilst understanding the culture and environment they’re living in. Teaching abroad is a sure-fire way to enhance your teaching career, whilst putting you ahead of others within the teaching profession. It shows that you can adapt to the different teaching styles and requirements of learners around the world.


With the opportunity of teaching in some of the most prestigious schools, teaching in America is an experience which will be recognised worldwide. Whether your goals are to return to your home country or to move on to teaching elsewhere, teaching in the USA can benefit teachers looking to work in the UK, Canada, Australia and Europe.




Experience a different culture

Working abroad is one of the best ways to fully experience and immerse yourself in the culture of a new country. America can offer a host of opportunities for career progression, further education and family life, as well as the chance to meet and work with new people. The top 5 American cities ( http://uk.businessinsider.com/top-10-us-cities-for-immigrants-2017-12 ) to immigrate to, based on factors such as the cost of living,  minimum wage, public transport, and attitudes towards multiculturalism and diversity are:

  1. San Francisco, CA
  2. Chicago, IL
  3. New York, NY
  4. San Jose, CA
  5. Washington, DC




Take advantage of a lucrative opportunity

Teaching in the USA offers a wide range of benefits, from pension plans and medical insurance to the ability to take 3 months off during the summer!

According to Forbes (https://blogs-images.forbes.com/niallmccarthy/files/2018/05/20180509_Teacher_Pay.jpg), the top 5 states paying the highest salaries to teachers are:

  1. Alaska: $85,420
  2. New York: $83,360
  3. Connecticut: $78,810
  4. California: $77,390
  5. New Jersey: $76,430




Considering taking the plunge? Learn more about Vira International’s Teach USA program and discover your next teaching opportunity!

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