Apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain

If you have lived or worked in the UK lawfully for five years, on a Visa that leads to settlement, or ten years, you may now qualify for indefinite leave to remain (ILR).

There are two ways in which you can apply for settlement in the UK, either by using the five-year route which is the case for most sponsored workers or family members of sponsored workers, or other settled citizens, or you could qualify under the long-residency route after ten years.

Advantages of ILR

Holding ILR status in the UK means that you are free of all immigration restrictions, and travelling in and out of the UK becomes smoother as you are now settled.

You are also one step closer to applying for naturalisation to become a British citizen. If you have ILR, you are also free to take up employment in the UK with any employer, without having to fork out costs for sponsorship and extensions, ultimately saving you thousands.

Indefinite Leave to remain

Seek Support While Applying for ILR

ILR grants you several advantages, however, this status can also be lost if you stay outside of the UK for two consecutive years at a time.

Each year it becomes more expensive and difficult to apply for ILR, and Vira International understands that the process can be confusing to grasp. Hence, our multilingual experts are here to provide the clarity you need. Our consultants speak Hindi, Urdu, Gujarati, Marathi, Punjabi, Greek, Albanian, Mandarin, Cantonese, Bengali, Nepali. We offer expert advice and guidance to make sure your application is filed correctly, to maximise your chances of acquiring ILR successfully.

Reach out to us for more information and let us mitigate the stress of dealing with all matters related to ILR.