

National Minimum Wage


Please note that the new National Minimum Wage will be coming in to effect, we therefore urge you to forward plan to ensure that changes are implemented as soon as it becomes effective and staff is paid accordingly.

Below we have prepared a few FAQ’s based on the most commonly asked questions we receive from clients.

When will the new National Minimum Wage (NMW) become effective?

From 1st April employers will be expected to comply with the new NMW.

Do I only need to increase the amount of British and settled staff?

No, you cannot discriminate based on immigration status, the increase will apply to migrants too, irrespective of whether they are skilled workers, students, dependants, etc.

Does this mean if my migrants are being paid higher I can reduce their wages?

Absolutely not, migrants still need to be paid the appropriate rate as per their skilled occupation code, if their hourly rate is below £10.42, you will need to increase it to bring it in-line with the new NMW and ensure their gross salary is at least £26,200.

What will be the new NMW?

The rate which will apply from 1 April 2023 s as follows:

Rate from April 2023
National Living Wage£10.42


Any questions, please contact UKTeam@vira.co.uk or call 020 88635 811. 

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