

3 qualities you need to work successfully in hospitality abroad


These days, few commercial sectors are growing as quickly as the hospitality industry and it’s easy to understand the attraction to employees. With opportunities to travel and explore the globe, as well as develop key interpersonal and managerial skills, there’s never been a better time to join the millions of people working in hospitality and advance your career. With so many individuals interested in this area, however, it’s crucial to spend some time developing the key qualities that employers look for in their workers.

High-quality communication skills

When you work in hospitality, you spend a great deal of time interacting with customers and striving to provide the best service on behalf of your organisation. It’s important, therefore, to develop fluid and confident communication skills. This not only means developing excellent linguistic skills, such as improving your second languages, but also ensuring that you work on becoming a good listener. It’s imperative that clients feel heard and understood, especially in situations that involve a guest bringing up a problem or concern. By cultivating a high level of communication skills, you can ensure that you provide a seamless service to your customers and impress your employer with your aptitude.


An impeccable attention to detail

The difference between a good experience for guests and an exceptional one always comes down to the small details of their stay or visit. It’s useful to be able to anticipate any accommodations that they might need and offer any available services that might be of interest. Guests often return to establishments where they have experienced above and beyond customer service, and you can be the individual who offers that exceptional touch. This approach will ensure that you’re able to advance professionally quickly as your employers will recognise your willingness to provide the highest service in your role.


Tenacity and a sense of adventure

Working in the hospitality industry abroad means that you must have a willingness to step out of your comfort zone and explore the far reaches of the world. It’s important, therefore, to develop a sense of determination as the process will involve additional steps that not all careers do, such as dealing with immigration procedures.


If you are moving to the UK, tier 2 visa requirements might need to be met and you will have to produce the appropriate documentation and attend all of the necessary meetings. This process can be smooth or have a few extra twists and turns along the way, so it’s imperative that you remain focused on your goal and continue to pursue your dreams at every stage.


Contact Vira International today for more information about working in hospitality abroad or if you need any assistance with recruitment. Email Anjum@vira.co.uk thank you!

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